Internet Marketing, Advertising and Analysis

Internet Marketing, Advertising and Analysis

Getting large traffic volumes from search engines is a high priority for most website owners. The majority of on-line purchases begin with a keyword search. Optimising your site for search engines is an ongoing process and at the core is the need for good quality content and developing signals that demonstrate your website's authority and relevance for a specific topic or area. Relevance signals will be directly related to the content of your website whilst authority signals come from a mix of domain trust, inbound links and search visitor behaviour.

SEO is a rapidly changing sector with ranking algorithms typically changing many times each year. What was once an important ranking factor may now be obsolete or far less important. Search itself is going through a metamorphoses with users accessing AI tools in place of search engines. In response search engines have started to promote AI answers over links to third party websites in there results pages. This has introduced challenges for internet marketing teams as well as some new opportunities.

Here at Goldfish Internet I can help you develop an internet marketing strategy to increase your traffic and sales. If your site is commercial, an ongoing paid search campaign is usually the best way of getting a reliable stream of traffic. I can also help you with target keyword research, content creation plans, search engine optimisation and traffic analysis.